.: The June 16, 2010 Edition :.
Welcome to the this week's edition of the MsP Mailing List!
This week I covered a few things, including my process for recording drums for my original drum sample kit that I'm releasing this week and a short review on the all male A Capella group Straight No Chaser. As always, there's new drums in the production vault as well waiting for you. =]
.: Quick News Tidbits :.
This week, I spent some time mic'ing up my drums and recording them individually to get some samples. Using the equipment I have at my disposal, I managed to record roughly 70+ samples from my Ludwig drum set, including kick drums, snares, hats, cymbals, toms and snaps/claps using different muffling techniques and sticks. The results came out nice, and if you want some details on the way the drum kit was recorded, make sure you check out the MsP blog entry by clicking here.
Today we have a special bundle, as one of the bundles are my own original recordings. The MsP Original Acoustic Drum Kit included in this bundle are fresh recordings by yours truly of our Ludwig drum kit here at Lunar Base Studio.
In addition, I'm giving you guys two other kits in the vault from our past searches: a Timbaland (who needs no introduction) inspired kit, and Hip-Hop Kit #14!
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