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.: The June 9, 2010 Edition :.


Welcome to the this week's edition of the MsP Mailing List!

This newsletter's focus will be the production vault, and some tidbits I have in regards to drum recording.

.: Quick News Tidbits :.


This week I've been working on recording drums, and next week I'll be offering my first original drum sample kit, based on live recordings I've made with my Ludwig Drum Kit. Later on this week, I'll be putting up a blog post that'll show people my process of recording these drums, including the mic choice and placement as well as using some peripherals to help you get the sound you are looking for. Stay tuned for that!

Also, thanks to everyone who has been buying my music on iTunes as of late! We've been getting a steady stream of sales lately, and I appreciate every purchase and show of support. =]

.: The MsP Blog :.

New this week: Some interesting reads from these past weeks:

.: The MsP Production Vault :.


A nice addition to the vault this week; over 250 samples spanning 3 different kits. We're continuing with the hip-hop kits with #13, as well as Destroyer Kit 1 and a good number of drums from the Roland MC-303 Groove Box.

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