.: The April 7, 2010 Edition :.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the MsP Mailing List!
We have a few updates for you this week; some news, blog updates, and of course, this week's Production Vault update!
.: Quick News Tidbits :.
This week we've been hard at work with the "Roll Call '10" MsP compilation album. A few new things of note that have happened this week:
- The planning of ADM's contribution, which will be a hip-hop track he's producing with MooN ShynE (and possibly K-Maculate) on the vocals.
- A demo recording session on FoRcE oNe's contribution. This Saturday, we plan to finish the track (as of right now, untitled). Check back often for this and other new releases!
- A track demo of Brian Bullion's contribution, which will be Incubus-influenced
- "West Side" Story...
ADM's notes on his upcoming collab with MooN ShynE for the MsP Collaboration Album, "Roll Call '10."
This week on the vault, we have a contribution from established producer Soleternity (over 20 production credits from gold/platinum recording artists), who was willing to donate his BOTB5 Swipes kit (the kit he used during Grind Time Now's Battle of the Bay 5 Producer Battle). Make sure to visit the vault and get the kit today!
For more on Soleternity, follow him on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/soleternity.
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