.: The November 10, 2010 Edition :.
Busy week this week, with a BBI song and a beat being released, as well as a studio upgrade (which I will get into this coming week in the blog). And for those who have been keep score, yes, this week's production vault update. =]
.: Quick News Tidbits :.
Short list of what's happened this week and what's coming up:
- A new track from Black and Blue Ink. was released this past week. You can listen to "Wordsmiths" by clicking here.
- A new beat is now up for lease/purchase, called "Please Love Me Too." To listen to it, as well as get more information on leasing and purchasing, click here.
- Lunar Base Studio went through an upgrade, moving up from a E-MU 0404 interface to a Mackie Onyx 820i Mixer Firewire Interface. It's an 8-in/2-out (all 8 tracks available through the firewire interface individually for editing), so this will allow us to record drums and have multiple instruments recording during scratches and actual takes. The best part of this mixer also is that IT WORKS WITH PRO TOOLS! The mixer is a beautiful piece of work, and I will be covering it this coming week in the blog for those who are interested.
- Destiny Soprano will be coming by the studio to work on tracks this Saturday.
- Kim Pingul's new song, "Heart Invasion," will be worked on the following weekend.
Don't let the small size of this week's synth fool you. This little monster comes with a lot of presets and editable filters that can prove to be very, very useful. If you listen to some of Timbaland's production from a few years back (circa 2007) you can hear sounds/arps/gates very similar to what you can find on this particular VSTi. If you're a fan of that Timbaland style, this Vanguard VSTi will very much come in handy.
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